Theoretical Principles Of Development Of Geographical And Ecological Culture Of General Education School Students


  • Komilov Jamshidbek, Son Of Narimon Tashkent State In The Name Of Nizomi Pedagogical University, Basics Of Geography And Economic Knowledge 5th Year Student Author


Geo-Ecological Culture, Environmental Problems, Natural Environment, Protection, Environmental Education And Upbringing, Social Laws, Relations Between Society And Nature.


This Article Discusses The Conflicting Relationship Between Humanity And Nature, And The Work Being Done To Change This Relationship In A Positive Direction. Also, The Current Aspects Of The Problem Of Development Of Geographical And Ecological Culture Among Secondary School Students Are Highlighted.


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How to Cite

Theoretical Principles Of Development Of Geographical And Ecological Culture Of General Education School Students. (2024). International Global Conference, 1(8), 18-22.